Games I’ve Made

Sonic Ninja

One of the challenging and fun puzzle projects I developed is a game where you navigate by drawing a path. I was the only developer who worked on this game.

An image gallery from the store page.

Early gameplay footage.

Draw A Hole

Again as a solo developer, I created another drawing project where players can draw “black holes” to devour a city and earn points. The objective is to spend these points to enhance the size, capacity, and other attributes of the black hole.

An image gallery from the store page.

Early gameplay footage.

Steam Projects

In addition to my full-time work, I have collaborated with several small teams since 2017 to develop games for the Steam platform. Here are a few of these projects below:

Hotel Anatolia

An adventure/horror game. Release date 2017.

More visuals and more information can be found on the Steam page.

Survival Journals

Survival Journals is a text based survival adventure that combines the classic “Choose Your Own Adventure” style gameplay with RPG and strategy elements.

More visuals and more information can be found on the Steam page.

Untitled Sci-Fi Survival Game

A space shooter/survival game that was put on hold.

Early gameplay footage and feature showcase can be viewed on my youtube:

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